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    ABODS reports in background with digital eye overlaid with titel

Analyse Bus Open Data (ABOD) is an extension service to the Bus Open Data Service (BODS), that provides free-to-access reporting and analytics to operators and authorities nationally.

The service provides:

  • Dashboard overview;
  • feed monitoring;
  • on-time performance analyses;
  • Vehicle journey analysis;
  • Corridor reporting.

Analyse Bus Open Data is part of the Department for Transport’s ongoing investment in bus services, and supports the National Bus Strategy, by helping government, local authorities, and bus operators to:

  • perform existing bus data analysis in faster and easier ways;
  • produce more accurate and detailed performance analysis reports;
  • improve on collaboration between different organisations;
  • identify network improvement opportunities;
  • inform transport policy and compliance monitoring across the industry.

RTIG is supporting the Department for Transport by promoting the service to ensure operators and authorities know about the service and how they can use it. We will be holding a series of webinars during 2024, together with DfT’s technical supplier Ito World, to demonstrate ABOD features and help users understand how to maximise its potential.

Operators and authorities who have not yet received an invitation to get access to ABOD can also request this during the webinars – or in advance by emailing


Introduction to ABOD for authorities and operators

  • What is ABOD?
  • How can the data be used to save you time when completing performance surveys?
  • How to get access and invite members of your team