Designing the Next Generation of Bus Priority
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Public transport, and buses in particular, are facing challenges at every turn: slow recovery from the covid collapse in passenger numbers, inflation increasing cost base, driver recruitment and retention, and of course traffic congestion.
How can we make the bus more attractive to encourage more people to use it?
July Newsletter
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The July newsletter has been published and available to download from Documents / Newsletters
Members please login to view your version or check your email for a direct link.
Bus Centre of Excellence Website Launched
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Announced in the Bus Back Better strategy, the Bus Centre of Excellence (BCoE) was launched in April.
The BCoE website is now live
This platform is a one-stop shop for the latest resources, events, and training for all who work in the bus sector. The BCoE website will host the a wide range of resources, including from RTIG, to boost your and others capability in the sector, including industry reports, case studies, technical notes and policy updates.
June Newsletter
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The June newsletter has been published and available to download from Documents / Newsletters
Members please login to view your version or check your email for a direct link.
Providing Data to BODS for Flexible Bus Services - Consultation
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The current data profile for supplying data to BODS supports standard bus services. There are an increasing number of flexible bus services operating and providing sometimes the only public transport provision in an area.