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Environmental Impact of Displays Report

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    Re-cycling arrows surrounding a greed earth

There are a bewildering range of displays on offer from suppliers - from LED to TFT, powered by mains, battery and solar. With the climate emergency and environmental concerns high in people’s minds, the impact of our choices of technology needs to be considered more than ever.

Purchasing and environmental teams are increasingly expecting questions to be asked whenever equipment is purchased.

Towards Net Zero Carbon

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    Zero Emission 2050

The UK government has introduced ambitious goals for the UK to become net-zero carbon by 2050 and transport is the largest source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the UK - damaging both the environment and public health.

In addition, the UK government’s recent De-Carbonising Transport report outlines a strategy for reducing overall car use, promoting the “natural first choice” to be public transport and emissions-free modes of travel like walking and cycling.