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RTIG will from time to time make formal submissions response to public consultations.

If you are aware of a consultation that you believe RTIG should be making a response to, please get in touch.
Document Number Response Date Title
RTIG-cXXX Response to Senior Traffic Commisioner consultation on revised "Statutory Document no. 14: Local Bus Services"
RTIG-cXXX Response to DfT consultation on "implementation of Competition Commission bus registration remedies"
RTIG-c092 Response to Transport Select Committee inquiry on "Winter Resilience in Transport"
RTIG-c084 Response to ORR consultation on "Real Time Train Information: consultation on the findings of ORR's Review"
RTIG-cXXX Response to Catapult consultation on priorities and engagement
RTIG-c069-mc Response to DfT initial consultation on "Rail Fares and Ticketing Review"
RTIG-c060-mc Response to DfT informal consultation on "Public Bodies Bill - DPTAC: seeking views and evidence to inform DfT of possible successor arrangements"
RTIG-c059-mc Response to ORR consultation on "Amending licences to give passengers the information that they need to plan and make journeys"
RTIG-c052-mc Response to TSAG consultation on "Shaping the 30-year Rail Technical Strategy"
RTIG-c041-mc Response to DfT consultation on "Improving bus passenger services through the regulatory framework"