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Hear about the work taking place with ITxPT and CEN to develop common interfaces and data specifications of on vehicle equipment to support innovation.

With more technology being installed on buses during manufacture and retrofitted it is becoming increasingly important to be able to standardise the key equipment and interface requirements to help open the market, and to agree on which data is important and ensure that it is able to be made available.

Work is taking place in particular in Europe to standardise equipment and data interfaces to provide choice to purchasers and enable new entrants to the market to provide innovation in a cost effective manner.

How do we get to the point where we can share connectivity between systems so each does not need its own SIM card and antenna, how can we share location data and reduce the number of interfaces that a driver has to interact with.

In this webinar you will hear:

  • From ITxPT on their successes to help open the market through agreeing common interfaces and data requirements from key stakeholder and their future plans.
  • European standardisation processes for Public Transport Vehicle Data.
  • How the work of ITxPT and others get turned into formal CEN standards

