Modern Slavery Act Statement
This policy sets out our expectations and commitments in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Competition Law Policy
RTIG is a community body that exists on behalf of the passenger transport industry - with a focus on the UK. Its aims are to develop and spread good practice in the use of technology within the industry.
In this work there is a need to ensure that competition law is considered, this document summarises the policy that RTIG Inform has established to prevent breaches of competition law.
Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy
This policy sets out the responsibilities for members of the RTIG Inform Management Board and those who undertake work for RTIG Inform in regards to observing and upholding our zero tolerance position on bribery and corruption.
Procurement Procedures
RTIG will procure goods and services on the basis of best value for its members
Confidential Reporting Code
RTIG Inform is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, honesty and accountability.
‘Whistleblowing’ is the term used when an employee passes on information concerning wrongdoing. This is generally referred to as ‘making a disclosure’ or ‘blowing the whistle’. Whistleblowing law is located in the Employment Rights Act 1996 (as amended by the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998).
Employees, members and others can sometimes be the first to realise that there may be something seriously wrong with procedures and/or processes within RTIG Inform.
Management Board – code of conduct
This document sets out the Code of Conduct for members of the RTIG-INFORM Management Board.
It sets out the framework within which Board members must conduct themselves in conducting RTIG-INFORM business.
Health and Safety Policy
The RTIG-Inform health and safety policy
RTIG-RSSB Memorandum of Understanding
Cooperation between RSSB and RTIG: Memorandum of Understanding
Data Protection Policy
RTIG collects and uses your personal data only as it is needed for us to deliver to you our products and services.
Our data protection policy is intended to describe to you how and what data we collect, and how and why we use your data.
It also describes options for you to access, update or otherwise take control of your personal data.
Affiliates policy
Membership of RTIG-INFORM is open to any bona fide organisation or individual with an interest in RTIG-INFORM’s activities.
If the Management Committee so decides, it can at its discretion (under the Constitution) invite any organisation or individual to become an “Affiliate” Member.